Saturday, September 27, 2008

Film Review: Burn After Reading

"Burn After Reading" ** (out of ****)

In the Coen brothers latest film a character ask himself, what did he learn. The answer he says is to never do it again, but he doesn't know what he did wrong in the first place. The Coen brothers should take this advice.

Joel and Ethan Coen may not know what they did wrong while making "Burn After Reading" but lets hope they never do it again.

A funny thing happened to me as I left the theatre. I took a walk home and thought about what I had just seen. I knew I didn't like the movie but I started asking myself why. What was it about this movie that didn't connect with me? And suddenly it hit me. I think I always knew this but I kept it in the back of my mind. I worried about what other filmbuffs would think of me or indie film fans. I even kept my true feelings hidden from myself. I don't like the Coen brothers yet I go and see all their films. Why! Why do I do this to myself? I do it because I keep falling for the same old trick. The Coen brothers are critical darlings. Each time out I keep thinking to myself this will be the one. I'll enjoy this one, I mean c'mon, it got good reviews.

To be fair yes, I've recommended some Coen brother movies in the past but I've usually done so without any enthusiasm. I simply don't like the Coen brothers style of comedy. It doesn't match my own. I rarely find their characters interesting. I rarely become involved in the plots. Sometimes I think the Coen's are too clever for their own good. I was never on board with the praise "Fargo" received. Siskel & Ebert said "Fargo" is the reason they go to the movies. That's a bit of an overstatement to me. I flat out don't like "The Big Lebowski" despite the cult following it has among fans. And I thought critics and the public over-hyped "No Country for Old Men".

The Coen brother movies I like are the ones no one else seem to. My favorite has been "Miller's Crossing". The last Coen brother I really enjoyed in theatres was "The Man Who Wasn't There". Ask how many Coen brother fans liked that one?

"Burn After Reading" continues the slump I feel the team has been in. The film is really a waste of time and money. I'm sorry I saw it. The film seems underdeveloped. The characters don't go anywhere. The plot is stuck in gear. The jokes don't work.

To explain the plot of "Burn After Reading" is not fair. Not because I might spoil it but because it makes it all seem like it makes sense. I would edit my description and just give you the meat and potatoes of the story but what happens in between is the problem. The CIA has decided to transfer one of their agents, Osbourne Cox (John Malkovich). They say he has a drinking problem. He tells them he quits. His wife, Katie (Tilda Swinton) is upset. What will Osbourne do now? He says he will write a book. Transcripts of his book find their way in Linda Litzke's (Frances McDormand) hands. She works at a fitness center and desperately wants to under go plastic surgery. She and a co-work, Chad (Brad Pitt) attempt to blackmail Osbourne. Meanwhile Katie has been having an affair with Harry (George Clooney) who also happens to be married. Each of these characters are going to connect to a large story. All of their lives intertwine.

This makes "Burn After Reading" sound good, funny at the very least. But nothing works. The Coen brothers seem to be mocking modern day society; fitness, on-line dating, the government and Brad Pitt but it goes nowhere. Characters seem important to the story then vanish and reappear at the Coen's whim. Nothing is consistent.

To a lot of fans that is exactly the point. As I left the theatre I heard people talk among themselves saying how much they enjoyed the movie. So clearly I'm in the minority here. The film shouldn't make sense. It is suppose to be oddball entertainment. An off-beat Coen's comedy. But again, I must go back to what I said before. I don't like their style of comedy.

You can't blame the actors for the mess this movie turned out to be. Clooney, McDormand, Malkovich, Swinton and Pitt all do fine work. They do the best with what was written. But none of them are able to make a lasting impression. Swinton, one of my favorite modern actresses, does nothing memorable. Why is it that once an actress wins an Academy Award they appear in nothing worthwhile ever again. Look at Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Mira Sorvino and God forbid Tilda Swinton. Every character seems to be a bit of a cliche, a caricature. Nothing is plausible. But that's what the Coen's wanted to do right? That doesn't mean it was the right decision. You know, the Coen brothers can make mistakes too.

Is there an audience for this piece of junk? Sure. Coen fans are going to flock to it especially after the Oscar win for their previous film. But "Burn After Reading" is worth burning.

p.s. a lot of people may complain about the film's ending. Given what happens before the film's conclusion, I honestly couldn't think of a better ending. It actually makes a strong commentary on our government.