Thursday, February 5, 2009

1 Year Anniversary

It is hard to believe a year ago I started this blog. I had reached my boiling point with and all of a sudden said I'm started a blog. My dream would have been to start my own website, but, those things cost money.

It is difficult for me to say how I feel about doing this for a year. I had a much bigger audience on amazon, and as I've mentioned before, it wasn't always positive but nonetheless I reached more people. Still, in some ways, this blog is better than writing on amazon. I have the freedom to review more obscure titles, the only hard part is trying to find photos for them.

As I expressed in my 200 reviews entry I feel I'm in a better place than I was before with his blog as far as reviewing major works by great directors. Naturally my job isn't complete but I'm getting there. It had also dawned on me that we are in the second month of 2009 and I haven't reviewed a single title of the new year! My readers shouldn't think it is because I haven't seen anything, I have, I just haven't gotten around to reviewing any of them. I've been more focused on the classics, which I also expressed in my 200 reviews entry, would be the new direction of this blog.

I wonder if I will continue this blog for another year? If I have any luck I will be doing something in the film business by then and won't have to write a blog, I'll be working on a paper, magazine or TV.

I'd just like to take this time and thank everyone and anyone to reads this blog. Don't be afraid to write to me, just keep it civil and relevant. People who I have never dreamed of actually looked as this blog. Professional film critics and even TV programmers. So my sincere thanks goes out to everyone.

Alex Udvary